
RISE Sleep Sounds Player

More than half of RISE installers struggle with falling or staying asleep, and they found the current feature meant to tackle this issue too complicated to use after a tiring day. My task was to create a more convenient and straightforward solution.


RISE Science

Project Type

Product Design


Senior Design Lead

Growth Team

Kellie Kuzmuk

Graham Hargrove

Greg Osborn


User Research

Concept Design

UX Design

UI Design

Visual Design


Art Direction

Production Design

User Testing

To better understand the optimal solution for our users, we conducted interviews to learn about the solutions they have previously used and which aspects proved to be helpful.

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Simplifying the User Flow

After reviewing the user testing and preliminary research, we revisited our initial assumptions to identify changes that could be made to create a simpler and clearer user experience.

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Relaxation Sounds Page

I explored ways to revisit the architecture and visual treatment to more effectively communicate the benefits of the Relaxation Sounds, all while keeping the project’s scope in mind.

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Mini-player Explorations

The addition of a mini-player in an accessible location, demonstrated significant potential for users to use it quickly and effortlessly.

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Full-screen Player Explorations

As part of a future update to the mini-player, I explored various design options for the full-screen player.

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Final Scoping

To manage the large feature update and ensure effectiveness and efficiency, the work was split into four phases, each evaluated before moving to the next.

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Phase 1: Mini-player in Drawer

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Phase 2: Menu in Drawer

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Phase 3: Revised Landing Screen

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Phase 4: Full Screen Player